The Heart of the Matter: Mission as Mantra

As it pertains to any organization of any kind—ranging from one person to a global company—there’s a very wise rule of thumb that we always need to keep in mind: “The Heart of the Matter is Mission as Mantra”.

Can you recite (or at least access it really fast…) your personal, or your company’s, Vision, Mission, Core Values? Is it relevant, real, and “teethy”-any accountability?

Sustained success for all organizations is tied the relevancy of the Mission—to all external and internal customer-people constituencies.

Leadership is all about the stewardship of the Mission. And, especially in tumultuous times, the number one “mission critical” issue to focus on a two-fold action plan: Mission Remembering and Mission Relevancy.

Mission Remembering—If there is one symptom that we could point to that’s most common and troubling in the hurry, scurry, faster-and-faster-feverish-flurry of this present time, it’s “mission amnesia”: its goes like, “Hey Joe, pass the coffee pot… and remind me again, what in the hell are we here for anyway?!”

If the vernacular offends you, sorry; but NOT knowing why an organization of any kind exists is the most offensive, egregious leadership misstep… and common organizational gap there is! This causes more “heart dis-ease” than any other issue—personally and “corporately”. Devoid of a mission-driven life, we are no more than dead men walking. The only solace is that misery loves company. Please understand, I do not say this flippantly or calously. It’s a heartbreak to pull back this curtain…

Please create, revitalize, or dust-off your Vision, Mission, Core Values ASAP… if not sooner.

Mission Relevancy—Doing a reality check with our external and internal customer-people constituencies to make double-dog-sure we are completely in step with our core customers-people—in the marketplace and in the workplace alike. Where GAPS exist, close them with due diligence and grateful deference to God, and our valued customers-people… fast.

When the Going Gets Tough—Please don’t craft a new, “fresh and exciting” Mission… or some such “handle”… to try and get back on track. Rather, keep the vision vital, E.g., “GO DEEPER” into the current Mission by passionately and humbly “re-weaving” it into every part of the tapestry of your life, or your organization. Oh, and before doing so, please consider apologizing for being so distracted and forgetful. (If you need help in this regard, contact me anytime.)

And When the Going Gets Terrific—Do the same!

In closing, please allow me to remember, “re-relevant”, and revitalize my own personal and “corporate” Vision, Mission, Core Values. The Feast of the Heart is direct from my own heart: Because the heart of the matter, is a matter of the heart: And the Mission is the Mantra! And, in this case, I believe what is most personal, is most universal: Reformation, Revival, and Constructive Revolution is what we’re ALL (as flawed yet refurbished Image Bearers) about.

The Feast, John Dozier Vision
Feast of the Heart exists to help bring about Christ-centered reformation, revival, and constructive revolution so that God will be glorified and people blessed.

Reformation—we seek to abide by and serve up the true truth of the Bible.
Revival—we seek to model biblical Christians living in word and deed.
Constructive Revolution—we seek to spread the true gospel right where God has planted us with urgency, compassion, and radical self-abandonment.

Core Values
Truth—The Realities of the World, the Culture, and the Customer.
Trust—Mutual Respect, Test Every Assumption, and Be Accountable.
Teamwork—Customer-Centered, Pulling Together, Results.

Until we ‘sup again, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8),

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